When we talk about the meaning of tech integration, we have to first start with the meaning of technology. The best definition of technology that I’ve heard comes from Alan Kay, who said in the 1980s that “Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.” (Wikiquote) Perhaps his […]
This next week marks the end of a year long project for me. Last year, around this time, I decided that I wanted to present at Learning 2.0 in Bangkok. I knew that I wanted it to be focused on pedagogy, on big ideas, and not just on the latest […]
In the past, when I thought about infographics I always associated them with posters and designs that combined words and images with (hopefully) good typography. Seeing the range of examples in this weeks reading has opened up my perspective on it a fair bit: maps, charts, diagrams, and even […]
It’s taken me longer than usual to get through this assignment, partially because I was presenting at the Vietnam Tech Conference last weekend in Saigon, and partially because I had trouble deciding on what story to tell. I considered some of the stories of my own past, but realized that […]
This is the full example that Stefan Muntwyler developed for his class at UNIS Hanoi, modified by both Stefan and Paul Swanson for demonstration purposes.Click here to view and then copy the spreadsheet. Note that there are six functions in this script: onSubmit – this is what is triggered on form […]
As powerful as a script is on its own, it can be hugely more useful when combined with a Google Form and Spreadsheet.Take a look at this Google spreadsheet, and click File > Make a Copy to have a copy for yourself to work from.When you copy a Google spreadsheet […]