In this challenge, we’ll take the principles from the previous example one step further. Here, in addition to simply defining functions, we are also CALLING a function: newFunction. function myFunction() { newFunction(); } function newFunction(){ } Note here that the first function, myFunction, calls newFunction. You can tell that it […]
Google Scripts Lessons 1-10 Click on a lesson below for a written tutorial demonstrating the lesson. Lesson 1 – “Hello World!” Lesson 2 – Challenge: Calling Functions Lesson 3 – Variables Lesson 4 – Variable Passing Lesson 5 – Variable Passing Challenge Lesson 6 – Arrays of Variables Lesson 7 […]
In this final lesson, we will compile all the information we need into a new tab called “Merge data” and then we will send that out to all the students with the mail merge Add-on called Autocrat.Click here to view Example 9, then make a copy so you can play […]
In the last example, we used the functions INDEX and MATCH to reorient our data so that each student was listed on a single row with their peers assessments in columns to the right. If all of the groups were of equal size, we would be done manipulating the data. […]
In our last example we reorganized our data set by student email instead of by feedback comment. Now we want to pull the data from the Sorted sheet over into the Unique sheet, so that we have separate columns for Score 1, Eval 1, Score 2, Eval 2, etc. Note […]
So far so good. We want to send out students the assessments that their peers turned in, so we organized the data by student receiving feedback. However, in order to send the data out with an Add-On like Autocrat, we need to condense it so that there is only a […]