There are lots (LOTS!) of educator tool roundups. Here is a great slide deck with the top 100 tools of 2014: Above: Top 100 Tools for Learning 2014 from Jane Hart Interestingly, Twitter retained it’s rank at #1 from last year, and Google Docs kept up at #2. Although I […]
Some questions related to online safety are quite straightforward. When we ask, “Whose responsibility is it to teach students to be safe online?” the clear answer is “It’s the responsibility of everyone involved.” It is the responsibility other students, siblings, parents, teachers, tech coordinators, librarians, principals, heads of school, mainstream […]
The question of whether we as a global society need to rethink copyright laws is probably the least interesting or controversial part of the current debate. Yes – of course we do. Perhaps the best illustration of why we need to overhaul these laws comes from the US Court case […]
It’s interesting to me how privacy means so many different things to different people. Growing up in a Boston suburb in the 1990s, for me privacy meant having my own room and being able to lock my door. For my parents it meant not being interrupted at dinnertime by telemarketers, […]
Whether we use the term ‘digital footprint’ or ‘digital tattoo’, either way this has become an important piece of learning both in and out of the classroom. Last year, my colleague Michelle and I did a series of workshops with parents about digital citizenship, social media, and helping students control […]
Last week I spoke with one of the MS Humanities teachers at UNIS about their upcoming unit on Africa. Back in the US, I taught two semester-long courses on Africa, one on East Africa and one on West Africa, so it’s a subject that I know a bit about and […]