Of Teaching and Learning
I believe we learn best when we…
- Build a foundation of trust on authentic relationships
- Root the learning process in our natural curiosity and inquiry
- Immerse learners in experiences in which different types of knowledge and skills are used fluently and authentically by those around them
- Personalize learning through deep knowledge and informed pedagogical decisions
- Conceptualize our understandings so that we can apply them to new situations
Of Educational Technology
I believe we all learn best when technology…
- Centers around teaching and learning
- Empowers learners as digital citizens to lead happy, healthy and balanced lives
- Weaves seamlessly throughout the curriculum
- Connects learners with authentic problems, global communities, and collaborative opportunities
- Personalizes learning in terms of content, process and product
- Creates capacity to focus on learning
- Provides easy access to meaningful information
Of Leadership
I believe leaders inspire those around them to do their best when they…
- Build a foundation of trust built on benevolence, openness, consistency, honesty, and competence
- Model the behaviors they wish to encourage, recognize and minimize double-standards, and are willing to do that which they ask of others
- Recognize their own mistakes and shortcomings, nurture the strengths of others, give clear and actionable feedback, and receive feedback with gratitude