Pick out a lesson, activity, or task that you teach in your class.
How are you currently using technology in it? How might you?
Could this lesson be completed just as easily without technology?
[[No|Is it Transformational?]]
This lesson is at the Substitution level.
Remember: technology can be more than just digital paper.
Think again.
[[Begin again|Start]]
Does your use of technology in this lesson allow for Transformational learning opportunities?
Are learning outcomes possible now that would have been impossible without the use of technology?
This lesson is at the Augmentation level. Better than substitution, but more of an enhancement than anything transformational.
[[Back to Beginning|Start]]
[[Push the activity further|Beyond Augmentation]]
See if you can push this lesson past Augmentation.
Often this can include online collaboration with experts, digital storytelling and publishing, or work on an authentic, real-world problem.
If you need to rethink your task at this point, go [[back to the beginning|Start]].
If you think you're making process, [[move ahead|Is it Transformational?]]!
This lesson is at the Modification level.
It most likely involves use of multiple types of digital tools or platforms, collaboration with peers and experts, some sort of digital storytelling, and more.
However, something still seems to be missing.
[[More|Beyond Modification]]
Congratualations! It looks like you have reached the level of Redefinition! Like many Redefinition level tasks, yours probably has some of the following elements:
- Student collaboration on their task with peers, teachers and experts around the world
- Publishing student content so that it receives attention beyond your school
- A task that solves authentic, real-world problems
Where do I go from here?
[[Nowhere - this is the top|Think again]]
[[Let me catch my breath|Beyond Redefinition]]
Transform the task further to engage the students at a deeper level of understanding.
Here are some questions to think about:
- Is there a way to publish student content so that it receives attention beyond your school?
- Is it possible to adapt the task so that it solves authentic, real-world problems?
- Is there a way for students to collaborate on their task with peers, teachers and experts around the world?
Is the project feeling transformational yet?
[[Not quite yet|Modification]]
Think again.
SAMR does not stop with Redefinition. Even with the current state of technology, there are always ways to improve tasks, pedagogy, and differentiation to increase student learning and engagement.
[[Beyond Redefinition]]
Now that you've caught your breath, it's time to think about what else you can do to take your lesson to the next level.
Questions to consider:
- Are there new technologies available that allow you to push the boundaries of the task still further?
- Is your task properly scaffolded so that students can make the most of it? Think about creating a SAMR ladder...
- What else could you do to differentiate learning in your task?
- What can be done to increase student engagement?
- What else would enhance student learning and understanding?
You don't have to answer all of these questions right now.
In fact, take a break and don't think about any of them right away.
However, once you have some time and distance away from it, take another look at once again [[start at the beginning|Start]].